

Landscaping for Wildlife

This event has ended
Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
to (Central Time)
Wood Lake Nature Center
Live Stream Available

Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Drinking Fountains

The news is filled with dire predictions for our natural world, and it’s wildlife.

More and more of our smaller native fauna have gone from common to rare to threatened; including songbirds, insects, pollinators and amphibians. What to do? The positive answer is to take action by hosting wildlife on your land. No matter how small your plot or garden, these actions will help make wildlife more at home.

All available places that you provide for wildlife to live and reproduce, helps. The four key ingredients of habitat enhancement for wildlife we will focus on are: food, water, shelter and structure. Think of it as setting the table for your wildlife guests. Specific wildlife habitat enhancement tools will be shown. This lecture will focus on smaller wildlife, many weighed in grams or maybe ounces; but all less than one pound in weight.

In our fraying natural world, taking these habitat actions can rejuvenate, both us and wildlife. Recent research has shown that this stewardship in our gardens is a critically important action for both our health and well-being.

While this is not the answer to all the troubles of our world’s wildlife, it is part of the solution.

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